Who We Are

We are non-partisan groups of alumni, faculty, staff, students, parents, family members, and community members alarmed by severe and pervasive antisemitism and anti-Western indoctrination on college and university campuses.

Our Vision

Our vision is two fold:

Our Mission

Our mission is to influence academic institutions to oppose Jew-hatred by exposing toxic anti-Israel climate on their campuses. 

Our Strategy

It is no longer possible to reform the universities from within. Our strategy to achieve a meaningful reform in academia is to generate external pressure for change supported by the additional internal pressure.

Our Approach

Our approach for realizing our strategy is:

Background and Our Views

Over the last few decades, as the result of the "long march through institutions" many universities have been captured by Marxist faculty and started to prioritize Social Justice over the Search for Truth. Colleges and universities became indoctrination factories based on lies rather than intellectual beacons of liberalism and bastions of higher learning.Pernicious notions such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), Intersectionality, Post-Modernism, Ibrahim X. Kendi's style Anti-Racism and Robin DiAngelo style White Fragility paint the world as driven by simplistic power dynamics of "oppressors" vs. "oppressed" where, based on immutable characteristics, some types of people are always innocent and right while other types of people are always guilty and wrong. Combined with ideologically driven political theories such as Orientalism and Settler-Colonialism, these crackpot notions created illiberal anti-Western, anti-American climate in academia.It is not surprising that such environment is inimical to Jews and hostile to Israel.Having observed these changes over a number of years, we have come to believe in the following:
  1. "Elite" universities with large endowments cannot be reformed from within.
  2. Unfortunately, as Andrew Sullivan wrote in 2018 article "We All Live on Campus Now," the pernicious notions are spilling out of the academic Ivory Tower and poisoning our society with illiberalism and antisemitism.
  3. Priority must be given to stopping indoctrination of our society's future leaders. While student and faculty safety and fair treatment are very important, they are a secondary priority.